We received the following update from WileyPLUS:
We are writing to confirm that the WileyPLUS service interruption which you were previously notified about has been resolved. The service interruption began at approximately 3:15 PM (US Eastern Time) February 22nd and lasted until approximately 3:45 PM (US Eastern Time).
As a result of this interruption, customers were unable to access their course materials and assignments in their WileyPLUS classes.
We are sending this email to any instructors who have access to one or more WileyPLUS classes so that you may notify your students if you choose.
We identified the root cause of the service interruption and do not expect there to be further downtime.
The following is a list of how-to documents which may be helpful after access to WileyPLUS has been restored
• Extend an assignment’s due date
• Reset a student’s access to a timed assignment
• Allow access to a single student after the due date
• Post a notification to your students
• Clear your cache (Clearing your temporary cache and cookies is always a good practice when returning to a site that was experiencing difficulties)
We received the following bulletin from WileyPLUS:
We are writing to notify you that a WileyPLUS service interruption is currently occurring. The service interruption began at approximately 4:00PM (US Eastern Time) on February 22nd.
During this interruption, students and instructors are experiencing slow page loads, timeout messages, and may be unable to access WileyPLUS at all.
We are sending this email to any instructors who have access to one or more WileyPLUS classes so that you may notify your students if you choose.
We are investigating the cause of this service interruption and will send a follow up email once service has been restored.
Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience.
(Contact: Blackboard, blackboard@vcu.edu)